Are you or do you know a Rett Sibling? Our sibling-led program includes camaraderie, support, and community for and from an overlooked group: Rett Siblings. Led by sibling and board member Riley Bousson, the sibling committee has already started a support group, sent off their first care package (think loot box) to a sibling whose sister was in the hospital, and has more sibling-minded ideas for those of us with a Rett brother or sister.
If you would like to donate or fund raise for the SIBLING PROJECT visit this link or text rettsibs to 44321:…/northwest-r…/sibling-project
Your donations for the Siblings Project go towards offering a place of support and care, and of course care packages to affected siblings whose brother or sister has Rett.
If you are a sibling or know of a sibling that would be interested in the NW sibling community (all ages welcome) contact us today, or look for a registration form and contact details coming soon!